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iGenius Adapters SDK

This is the Software Development Kit for iGenius Web Connectors development.
You can use our SDK in your project to be able to handle correctly the data structures that will be used by iGenius services to call your web connector adapter.


Folder structure

Our SDK has the main objective to expose our data structures that are the business objects of our application: we call them Entities and those are included in a package with the same name. We also provide some Tools to automate parts of the processing required by the data structures.

-- src
   |- igenius_adapters_sdk
      |- entities
      |- tools

Data structure

Our datasource adapters system is based on a relational database structure, so our entities are a mapping of this kind of data organisation.


With Poetry

poetry add igenius-adapters-sdk

With pip

pip install igenius-adapters-sdk

Further configuration

It is possible to control the behavior of this SDK through environment variables. The currently supported variables are:

  • IGENIUS_ADAPTER_SDK_RE_MATCH_COLLECTION_NAME: specifies the regular expression to check against collection names. The default is ^\S+$ (matches any string not containing spaces, tabs, or line breaks)

Last update: April 14, 2021